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new ubuntu user seeking help with adobe flash
Posts: 2
in Ubuntu
allright, tried to install adobe flash onto mozilla, used the .deb version. the software installer is now telling me that the package for it needs to be reinstalled but it cant find an archive for it. any advice on this one?
why didn't you just pull the flash package from a repo?
http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/flashplugin-installer0 -
like i said, new ubuntu user. really new. so i have no clue what a repo is. thank you for the link btw.
EDIT: tried the download off that link you gave me, its saying the file may be corrupted or i am not allowed to open the file0 -
Since you are truly new, then I can introduce you to the easiest thing in Linux distros. At the bottom of your Application menu there will be an item called Software Center or Add/Remove Programs, with this tool you can lookup and choose apps to install, that system will download them from the internet, install them and configure them for you. With most recent Linux distros a similar tool will be available, there is no need to search the internet for software anymore. You will be able to find the flash app there.
Please feel free to respond with further questions.0 -
I must say, after installing Ubuntu myself, if you follow mfillpot's instructions above, and enter flash into the search field in the upper right hand corner and hit enter, Adobe flash plugin is visible. Looks like easiest install of flash from any distro I've seen.
If you click on adobe flash plugin, then on the arrow on the right side of the field, flash is installed automagically.0 -
When I do a clean install, I go to google and put ubuntu jre6and plugin command.
Go into the site Kabatology.
There will be an install missing plugin at the top of the page. Click on it and choose adobe falsh. It will install it. Wait until it is done.
I open the terminal and install jre by highlighting the command line and pasting it into the terminal.
This is for playing online games.0 -
Using the Synaptics Package Manager is probably the easiest way to install flash, and more importantly, a good few hundred other programs/libraries.
It can also differentiate between CPUs, if need be.0 -
I'm having the same problem. Can you help?0
Kyoungman wrote:I'm having the same problem. Can you help?
The simplest explanation is to open the terminal and type "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer "0 -
Don't worry about it, Brian. I had the same problem installing (the easy way) with Karmic Koala -- that the name for Ubuntu 9.10. Had to complete uninstall the Adobe Flash plug-in from adobe and repos (repositories) and do it by hand. Do a Google search on 'Ubuntu 9.10 Adobe Flash plug-in problems' and there are several solutions that will walk you through the manual method for installing the plugin. You need to understand this process anyway since some Linux "easy installs" go awry and need manual attention. I don't post the URL here since it takes you to another Linux forum, and loyalty is important to me. ;-)
Welcome to the world of Linux/Ubuntu. It really is a whole new experience for the desktop. Take care.
Nanouk0 -
I tried that this is what i got.
E: The package adobe-flashplugin needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.0 -
Kyoungman wrote:I tried that this is what i got.
E: The package adobe-flashplugin needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.
By your error message it looks like your forgot to add -installer at the end of the package name when you ran the command.
Can you please try again by copying the command listed below and pasting it into your terminal, once that is complete can you paste the command and output lines from your terminal into this conversation for me to see exactly what was entered and returned?sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer
Additionally I had heard from one of my friend that he was experiencing the same thing on Ubuntu 9.10 even when flash was installed it would not run in firefox. He mentioned that after he used the update manager and grabbed all available updates that the newest version of firefox seemed to fix his issues, in his case the previously installed version of firefox was not correctly referencing the installed flash files.0 -
I tried that and ran into the same problem. So i got rid of the flash player completely. and now i run into this problem.
Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libnspr4-dev0 -
Kyoungman wrote:I tried that and ran into the same problem. So i got rid of the flash player completely. and now i run into this problem.
Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libnspr4-dev
Ok, then i guess this means that you are a truly new user. I am assuming that the reason why you couldn't get the libnspr4-dev package is because you do not have ubuntu setup to download from the security repository. The flash package is in the multilib repository and the libnspr4-dev package is in the security repository, it is guaranteed that you will want to have those options selected in the Software Sources tool.
Please read the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu about the repositories to learn how to set them up and to get details about the purpose of each repo.0 -
Kyoungman wrote:I tried that and ran into the same problem. So i got rid of the flash player completely. and now i run into this problem.
Read my last post. That's how I install flash all of the time. You can also try a game site and see if the banner shows up that says missing plugin.0
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