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can't open firefox3.5

ubuntu 9.04

i have problem with firefox3.5 it's have problem is at web page can't show some picture same time

i use firefox v.3.5 shiretoko for 2 month it's ok. but now it's have problem i don't know why .

i try to remove it and i reinstall again by command apt-get install firefox-3.5 i saw directory in

/usr/lib/firefox-3.5.2 has file this

root@tonjaa-desktop:/usr/lib/firefox-3.5.2# ls

abrowser-3.5 browserconfig.properties defaults extensions firefox-3.5-restart-required.update-notifier modules searchplugins

application.ini chrome dictionaries ffox-31-beta-profile-migration-dialog firefox.sh plugins

blocklist.xml components distribution firefox-3.5 icons run-mozilla.sh

but i can't use it when to press at icon of firefox3.5 at mouse cursor has active but after that not have

anything no page of firefox to show. now i can use firefox v.3.0.14

what is wrong ? how i can fix this problem?

who know the way please guide to me.


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