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Dual Booting DSL and Windows XP
Posts: 37
Hi Guys!
I'm new here and im pretty noob in using Linux. first of all, im sorry for my english grammar..
i'd like to learn everything in linux. since the vista is release, im starting to HATE windows distributions. Now, im decided to study linux starting in DSL. Small is beautiful! Hehe!
can you teach me how to dual boot DSL to Wndows XP?
thanks in advanced!
I do believe the this thread from the DSL forums has the info that you are looking for:
Out of all their threads, this one seemed the most complete.
Hope it helps.0 -
Thanks for your kindness Mr. GoinEasy90
If you're looking for a neat and very resource echonomic distribution I can recommend my newfound favourite Slitaz. It's a fairly new distribution and has only reached version 2 this far but it's turning out great! The base system runs on 36 megs of ram and it's goodlooking. The only negative point is that because it's so new there aren't as meny applications directly availabel in the official repositories. But there are more availabel trough unofficial "undigest" repos and separate packages. The packaging system is much like apt.
Anyways it's neat, small and good-looking.
EDIT: Oh, and the installer installs grub if you want to but I do not know if it detects your Windows installs.0 -
Wow! Thanks... Let me try that one... SliTaz is really small is beautiful.. Anyway, my Windows XP and DSL are successfully dual booting...0
Tough you should know that most mainstream distributions such as Ubuntu, with shoot-offs such as Mint, Mandriva, Fedora and openSUSE automaticly detects other operating systems on your drives and adds them to GRUB.0
really? it's means dual booting is a piece of cake? How about openLinux? i have an installer of redhat and openlinux..0
I had never heard of openLinux before but as I googled it up it seems to be an early Linux desktop made in 1995 by a company called Caldera. Caldera which also seems to be a division of Novell nowadays. But I did not find any recent versions of it and on DistroWatch.com it's listed in an article about distributions called "Gone but not forgotten".
So why would you want to run a really really really old distribution or am I missing something?
But yes dualbooting is really a walk in the park with a modern installer. But it's not hard either with a standard install of grub. All that's needed is just:
title Windows is a vacuum cleaner
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1
in your /boot/grub/menu.lst0 -
It appears that the installers you have are quite outdated and would miss most of the updated functionality in linux that has been added in the last decade (most likely it will not autodetect windows).
I would highly recommend going to distrowatch and downloading a newer distro such and fedora, mandriva, opensuse of ubuntu to start with.0 -
I am using dual boot Ubuntu and Windows XP and have VOIP. For whatever reason since switching from DSL to VOIP, I have not been able to get the Linux side to work. Any suggestions?0
wow... let me visit that site... godspeed linux brothers!0
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