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I can not install anything on my Linux machine

Hi guys.

I am totally new on Linux and I am using a CentOS Red Hat Linux Machine....My problem is that...I can not seem to be able to install anything. I have a tab called Applications and when expanding the menu, I get System Tool, then Terminal Window. I think that is where I should start my command line on installing.

But I have never installed anything on Linux before. I have my software Unzipped to my E:/ drive which is an external Hard-drive.

Can anyone please give me a step my step DUMMY help on how to Install software on this machine (i.e. SmartFoxServer)

Thank you in advance guys.


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  • Posts: 216
    ImmortalMatrixology wrote:
    Hi guys.
    I am totally new on Linux and I am using a CentOS Red Hat Linux Machine....My problem is that...I can not seem to be able to install anything. I have a tab called Applications and when expanding the menu, I get System Tool, then Terminal Window. I think that is where I should start my command line on installing.

    But I have never installed anything on Linux before. I have my software Unzipped to my E:/ drive which is an external Hard-drive.

    Can anyone please give me a step my step DUMMY help on how to Install software on this machine (i.e. SmartFoxServer)

    Thank you in advance guys.

    Well, you've decided to try Linux, so you're certainly NOT a DUMMY. Typically, the way to install software on Red Hat (incl. Fedora, CentOS, etc.) is via yum. For example, if you wanted to install nmap, you would open a Terminal (as you have done), su to root:
    1. su -
    then install nmap:
    1. yum install nmap
    To see all packages available in the repo, do
    1. yum list available

    Your specific package (SmartFoxServer) is probably not in the repos, so you'll have to install it manually. Sometimes that means recompiling from source, sometimes it means running an installer. Let's say you have downloaded the setup software in a file called SFSBASIC_linux_1.5.5.tar.gz. Here's what you'd do (in your terminal):
    1. mkdir ~/src
    2. cd ~/src/
    3. tar zxvf /path/to/SFSBASIC_linux_1.5.5.tar.gz
    4. cd SFSBASIC_linux_1.5.5
    5. ./install

    You might need to be root for this installer, not sure how it all works...

    As for accessing your external drive, it *should* have been done for you wnen you plugged it in (USB, I assume). If not, never fear. It is probably /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, etc. Look in dmesg, after you plug it in:
    1. dmesg
    Just look in that output from something related to sda, sdb. Also, you can look in /var/log/messages:
    1. tail -f /var/log/messages
    If the disk is, e.g., /dev/sda, the partitions would be /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2. Get a list of partitions, by doing (as root):
    1. fdisk -l /dev/sda
    Then try mounting the first partition you find with:
    1. mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /media
    Now you should see your files in /media. So if your software was there, the above "tar" command might be:
    1. tar zxvf /media/SFSBASIC_linux_1.5.5.tar.gz

    Good luck and post your progress!
  • Thank you very much...It seems to be working up until I say yum Install YUM. YUM is a folder that has the YUM software updates. I thought I should practice with it before installing SmartFoxServer

    *****HERE ARE THE STEPS I TOOK*******
    [administrator@REMSSVR ~]$ su
    [root@REMSSVR administrator]# yum install YUM
    Setting up Install Process
    Setting up repositories
    update 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00
    base 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00
    addons 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00
    extras 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00
    Reading repository metadata in from local files
    Parsing package install arguments
    No Match for argument: YUM
    Nothing to do
    [root@REMSSVR administrator]# mkdir ~/src
    [root@REMSSVR administrator]# cd ~/src/
    [root@REMSSVR src]# tar zxvf /path/to/yum-3.2.23.tar.gz
    tar: /path/to/yum-3.2.23.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
    tar: Child returned status 2
    tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
    [root@REMSSVR src]#

    By the way, my folder is on the desktop...what route to I follow to get to it??
  • Posts: 216
    ImmortalMatrixology wrote:
    [root@REMSSVR administrator]# yum install YUM
    This command is literally trying to install a package named YUM - which does not exist. Keep in mind that Linux is case-sensitive (there is a package named yum of course...)
    By the way, my folder is on the desktop...what route to I follow to get to it??
    The files are probably in /home/administrator/Desktop, but let's just leave those files be, for now.

    You don't need to copy files that are available via yum to a local directory. That is the whole idea of yum - it connects to a yum server on the internet, queries the list of packages available, and downloads and installs whatever package(s) you requested, including dependencies. Don't bother with those files you've downloaded for now, just try this, and report back what you get:
    1. [administrator@REMSSVR ~]$ su
    2. Password:
    3. [root@REMSSVR administrator]# yum install nmap

    E.g., this is what I get:
    1. [root@mybox ~]# yum install nmap
    2. Warning, could not load sqlite, falling back to pickle
    3. Loading "fastestmirror" plugin
    4. Setting up Install Process
    5. Setting up repositories
    6. rpmforge [1/2]
    7. rpmforge 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00
    8. atrpms [2/2]
    9. atrpms 100% |=========================| 2.2 kB 00:00
    10. Determining fastest mirrors
    11. Reading repository metadata in from local files
    12. rpmforge : ################################################## 10611/10611
    13. atrpms : ################################################## 1708/1708
    14. Parsing package install arguments
    15. Resolving Dependencies
    16. --> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait.
    17. ---> Downloading header for nmap to pack into transaction set.
    18. nmap-4.20-1.el4.rf.i386.r 100% |=========================| 5.4 kB 00:00
    19. ---> Package nmap.i386 2:4.20-1.el4.rf set to be updated
    20. --> Running transaction check
    22. Dependencies Resolved
    24. =============================================================================
    25. Package Arch Version Repository Size
    26. =============================================================================
    27. Installing:
    28. nmap i386 2:4.20-1.el4.rf rpmforge 842 k
    30. Transaction Summary
    31. =============================================================================
    32. Install 1 Package(s)
    33. Update 0 Package(s)
    34. Remove 0 Package(s)
    35. Total download size: 842 k
    36. Is this ok [y/N]: y
    37. Downloading Packages:
    38. (1/1): nmap-4.20-1.el4.rf 100% |=========================| 842 kB 00:00
    39. Running Transaction Test
    40. Finished Transaction Test
    41. Transaction Test Succeeded
    42. Running Transaction
    43. Installing: nmap ######################### [1/1]
    45. Installed: nmap.i386 2:4.20-1.el4.rf
    46. Complete!

    Of course, if your box is not directly connected to the internet, we'll have to do it another way.

    If it is, but the above command fails, it may be you just need your "repos" set up - just try the command and post what you get.
  • Posts: 11
    ImmortalMatrixology wrote:
    [root@REMSSVR src]# tar zxvf /path/to/yum-3.2.23.tar.gz
    tar: /path/to/yum-3.2.23.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
    tar: Child returned status 2
    tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
    [root@REMSSVR src]#

    By the way, my folder is on the desktop...what route to I follow to get to it??

    It seems you're making a typo in /pat/to/yum-3.2.23 command

    The desktop is usually
    1. /home/user/Desktop

    also don't forget you su'd so make sure you are using the complete path to the file you're trying to expand.
  • Posts: 1
    almost any linux distribution has its own package manager,like yum in RedHat,
    apt-get in ubuntu,pacman in ArchLinux,etc. it makes installing easier.of course
    you can use them.but every linux distribution support source installing,it means
    you must download the source code and compile the code,it is more complicated
    and takes more time,but it is a common way.


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