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Linux refuses to install?
Posts: 6
I've had no trouble installing Linux before, but lately, when I put in a LiveCD, it just stops loading it about halfway through. And by that, I mean, my whole computer becomes unresponsive.
My computer in a Compaq Presario SR5310F.
xaoxoa wrote:I've had no trouble installing Linux before, but lately, when I put in a LiveCD, it just stops loading it about halfway through. And by that, I mean, my whole computer becomes unresponsive.
My computer in a Compaq Presario SR5310F.
Which LiveCD distro are you using?
What is the last thing you see on the screen before/when it seizes up?0 -
Ubuntu 9.04 and Fedora 11. Tried both. And Ubuntu just stops about half an inch up the loading bar at the boot screen (not installed) and Fedora 11, it stops about 3/4 of the way up the logo.0
I've had problems with some of the LiveCD's myself. Ubuntu and other Ubuntu like start the same way, I used a crunchbang linux live cd to install crunchbang on my dell 4550 an old p4 machine.
it's build on Ubuntu but doesn't boot the same way.0 -
I found the problem (i think). It says PROBLEM UPDATING BAR and then hex codes. how to fix?:blink:0
please someone help!0
xaoxoa wrote:please someone help!
I assume these are booting into graphical mode? Have you tried booting into text mode? With the F11 DVD, when the boot prompt first comes up, hit the <Tab> key and add " text" to the end of the line. Then hit [Enter] to boot. At least I can do this with the regular F10 Install DVD, not sure if the Live CD is different...
Also, can you get into a Virtual Terminal? You do that by hitting Ctrl-Alt-F2, Ctrl-Alt-F3, Ctrl-Alt-F4, etc. Maybe there is something more indicative of the problem there.0 -
Well, I think I know what the problem is, but I don't know how to fix it. When I boot from a distro, I get an error message about the PCI and an error about updating the BAR or something, and then tow hex codes like ddf0000 and fdf0000 or something.0
Hello again,
I would have to summize that it's a problem with that fedora's or Ubuntu's distro cd/dvd . Download something like Crunchbang it's based on Ubuntu but's it installs differently. I had the some problems myself with their dvd/cd's trying to install and freezing.
you could also try PClinuxOS or MINT they also booted fine on my machine.
Dam Small Linux also booted fine. There are as many Distro's out their as their are colors in the rainbow , don't get stuck on one distro. Heck Debian you can download the network installer and just download about 50 mgs and then install the rest over the internet.0 -
Absolutely NO version of Linux wants to work. Should I try disconnecting my PCI's? (See my previous post)0
It's a strong likelihood that you need to modify some bios settings in order to run linux. Also, the Compaq Presarios are known to be unfriendly to most systems except Windows. Also, you might want to go onto the HP web site and see if they have an updated bios/firmware package to install.0
xaoxoa wrote:Absolutely NO version of Linux wants to work. Should I try disconnecting my PCI's? (See my previous post)
Worth a shot - try adding this to the boot cmdline:pci=off
see the whole shlmeal of boot-time kernel parameters here:
http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/kernel-parameters.txt0 -
this is a simple way, get ubuntu linux live cd musch better get latest version jaunty, then if you have windows xp, run the cd under xp and insert the ubuntu cd, then wait on the auto prompt click install ubuntu under windows after that reboot the system and boot to ubuntu not on the cd but in the boot menu then click ubuntu and thats it follow the on screen instruction.
hope it helps :woohoo:0 -
I take it that you have been able to install and/or run a liveCD on this specific system before? If so, then it is possible that either your drive is starting to break, or that the lens is getting dirty. Go down to your local computer/stereo store and get a cd/dvd cleaner disc. Run that and see if it improves your experience. I've had to do that before - the lens gets dirty and stops reading correctly. Also, it could be that the drive is getting out of spec and not tracking the disc properly. In that case, you'll need to get a new drive.0
just remember,
while a bad drive can certainly be the issue, as stated earlier,
I had 5 different livecd distros all burned on the same brand media by the same drive burned and tried to boot to this computer only three out of 5 booted sucessfully, both Ubuntu and xbuntu wouldn't boot but , Crunchbang,PClinuxOs, and Mint all booted and installed fine.
It's a brand new drive and everything plays fine otherwise, I get a squashfs , then kernel panic errors.0
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