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GateOne terminal for exam demo

I'm running Chromium on a Fedora 25 workstation. I tried to go to the GateOne demo on their website (which the Candidate Handbook suggests), but their demo won't load. I also tried it on my MacBook with no success

Maybe it won't be a problem in the actual exam, but it would be nice to see it working.





  • Janet
    Janet Posts: 3

    You don't need to install Gate One in order to take the exam, but if you are wanting more info on Gate One, please check out https://github.com/liftoff/GateOne.

  • Hi.

    I couldn't load it neither...

    I've tried with several machiens and browsers and it didn't work.

    I tried to install it on my Centos VM with same outcome.

    I asume I won't be able to test it before the exam.

    Good luck.


  • llewell
    llewell Posts: 12
    edited December 2017

     The demo is not responding. The name gateone1.ln.liftoffsoftware.com resolves to, and it is not responding to SYN packets. So either the LF has to stand up their own demo, or get Liftoff to fix theirs (or stop telling us to try the demo first ;-) ).

  • luisviveropena
    luisviveropena Posts: 1,248
    edited December 2017

    Hi all,

    We are checking on this now, thanks for reporting it.


  • It's fairly annoying that prospective examinees can't test the software beforehand. I also second the suggestion that LF needs to run a demo GateOne instance.

    I put a comment on another thread about how to run and test GateOne using the published Docker container:


  • A few years back, I took the Linux Admin test when the LF was offering for $50 on whim. I think the quirky way that the gateone terminal responded was one the reasons I had trouble passing it. The least that could be done is to have a way that you could easily install it or have a demo running that you could use to get used its quirky responses.

  • So LFCS is still administered via gateone? You still can't run it from Liftoff and now the Docker image doesn't work any more. It's worrying that there doesn't appear to be anything in a Google search from less than two years ago. This looks like a dead project. How long does LF intend to use this?

  • GateOne is no longer used by any LF exam. It was replaced earlier this year with a variant of Xterm.js

  • Can anyone confirm what they use to run the terminal testing environment because GateOne is completely broken and deprecated. I would like to practice beforehand before taking the test.

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,160

    Hi @billyboyballin 1 Please send all exam related inquiries to certificationsupport@linuxfoundation.org.


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