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KopenSUSE? :/
I'm not a Linux Guru, let's just make that clear right now But I'm trying to learn as much as I can.
So there is KDE and GNOME, the two "major" desktop environments.
Other distros like Fedora and OpenSUSE don't change their names when difirentiating between GNOME Fedora and KDE Fedora (I think at at least, correct me if I'm wrong).
But the Ubuntu guys have Kubuntu!?! Which is Ubuntu but with KDE?? But it's the same distro??
This is so confusing. Maybe someone can explain it to me... Maybe it has to do with the Ubuntu's "theology".
But if they can do it, I want to coin the term Kopen SUSE :P
You are asking why some applications are not changing their names even their are default running in KDE and gnome likewise ubuntu they change their name in the sense that the user can easily identify what is the main features of an Ubuntu Distro.
Kubuntu = Kde
Ubuntu = Gnome
Edubuntu = for Education, for teachers and pre-schoolers
Xubuntu = Xfce Desktop Environment
Ubuntu for humanity, For me it means, one shot understandable Linux System0 -
I get the Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Edubuntu differences. Cute, i guess.
I would think, however, Linux having sooooo many different distros and flavors, that the Ubuntu community would want to rally under one "brand".
By having a seperate logo and name for KDE Ubuntu, they are breaking the brand down again, instead of consolidating it into one "name".
In my opinion they would do better just calling it all Ubuntu, and then on the LiveCD have the different options, KDE, GNOME, Education version, etc. Oh, then you have Ubuntu "Mint", Ubuntu Studio, etc...
It's kind of a headache. It's already hard enough for Linux switchers to decide which distro to choose without Ubuntu throwing another 8 variations at you with different websites and names. :S
Linux users unite! The only barriers holding us back are our own differences! :side:0 -
Interesting! People really say "should I install linux or ubuntu?"?
You did a great job puting that in perspective and explaining it to me. I also agree with you in that there shouldn't be one centralized Linux that everyone has to use.
However, I think that for Linux to really move into the "Consumer Market"... as in stupid high school girls, grandparents, mothers, etc, it needs to be straightforward, simple, and aesthetically pleasing.
MAC - OSX ... ... ... ... ... uh...
Packadged, labeled, explained, differentiated, downloadable and comparable from 1 central location. I think when that happens Linux as a brand will really get its wings and people will stop being scared of the complexity of the web of distros, packages, desktop environments, so on and so fourth.
Imagine walking into a store, Best Buy for example, and having a huge Linux section. On the shelves there they are, the major Linux distributions with guidebooks and stuffed animals and stickers :P Computers under each section loaded and Linux Guru's standing by to answer questions.0
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