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Random people asking to be added as friends

Has anyone else had people they don't know asking to be added as a friend? I suspect this may be to do with acquiring Guru points.


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  • Posts: 164
    Yes. I check their profiles and look around the site to try and judge somewhat who/what they are, then I make my decision.
  • Posts: 117
    awts that's a bad idea gaining friends But not seriously instead to become linux guru. huh!!! me i dont care to become linux guru i just love to comment in someones forum/Opinion on different ideas specially about linux.

    kick those fatty ass of people that doing that.

  • Posts: 2,177
    The random people are in most cases just trying to obtain guru points. In my case I only admit people as my friends when they have given me a reason to respect their knowledge and actions.
  • Posts: 5
    I'm the same way. I only add real guru's as friends. Their Blogs and profile are what interest me. I'm on Linux.com to make friends that know Linux and can help me and in turn I try to offer what I know where I can.

    I don't care about "Guru" status. I know my skills, and I think most people that are real Guru's don't care either :)
  • Posts: 3
    SiduS wrote:
    [I don't care about "Guru" status. I know my skills, and I think most people that are real Guru's don't care either :)[/quote]

    I agree with you kon the guru status, I would rather help other linux users solve their problems thank be stuck up linux elitist!
  • Posts: 48
    It's to bad that there are people that feel compelled to do that for something as insubstantial as "Guru" points. I would hope that people are here to gain friends and acquaintances to build community and friendships.
  • Posts: 13
    I have only had one to ask, and I added or was added. Nothing has happened since.
  • Posts: 501
    I've had some that were reasonable requests that I granted, and others that were blatant phishing expeditions (spam)! There should be a prominent button when one receives such a request, to alert the moderators that the sender is violating the TOS of the site.


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