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Share your best command line scripts

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in Command Line
The name says it all. Please share your best command line scripts and explain their use.
alias IPADDRESSES="ip addr|grep 192;curl -s http://checkip.dyndns.org/ | grep -o '[[:digit:].]\+'"
This command sets up an alias command to display your internal ip address(es) and display your external ip address using dyndns.
You only need to supplement the 192 with the first octet of you internal network subnet.0 -
- #!/bin/bash
- IP=$(curl http://www.slurpware.org)
- echo $IP
- exit 0
Simple external IP checker.0 -
Ubucleaner seems to be a good tool for ubuntu users, thank you for sharing it.
Also the ip script is good, it shows that there are mutliple ways in Linux to accomplish a single task.0 -
PackManUtil for managing package installation on a Cross Linux from Scratch system.0
- #! /bin/bash
- exe=`basename $1 .c`
- gcc $1 -o $exe
Will compile source.c and the output file will be source.
I use it along with a bash alias.0 -
Script to upload your screenshot to my screenshot gallery
usage:- ./screenup.sh filename.jpg
script to set your wallpaper no matter what
usage:- ./setwall.sh filename.jpg
0 -
Here is mine:
this script is used to change all the permissions on a directory tree: it is possible to set different permissions for regular files and folders. So for example I use it for my "Music" folder:
./permfix.sh -f 640 -d 750 $HOME/Music
in this way I have the right permissions for the files and folders (the latter need a +x for "browse permission").
There is also a "pretend mode" in which the scripts just prints what it would have done in "standard mode" without actually touching any file.
Use it at your own risk.0 -
My Script to Download Lyrics in Command Line as Plain Text.0 -
filenames="file1 file2 file3 file4 file5 file6 file7"
target="everything" # target filename for full ZIP archive + .zip
searchdb="search-database" # target filename for search db ZIP archive
newestfile="$(ls -t *xml | head -1)"
if [ $newestfile -nt $target.zip ] ; then
# time to rebuild the archive
zip $target *xml
fi0 -
Here are a couple I use at work a lot.
This one will identify the manufacturer of a NIC card based on the most current published list of OUIs. It takes the MAC address as the argument and is forgiving of the format (e.g. ifconfig, windows ipconfig, or cisco style)
OUI=$(echo ${1//[:.-]/} | tr "[a-f]" "[A-F]" | egrep -o "^[0-9A-F]{6}")
lynx -dump standards.ieee.org/regauth/oui/oui.txt | grep $OUI
Here's one I use to mount the file system inside my Virtual Box .vdi disk image when I need to grab a file, but do not need to otherwise fireup the virtual machine:
if [ -f ~/.VirtualBox/VDI/$1 ]
MOUNT=`sudo mount -o loop,umask=0000,offset=0x$(hd -n 1000000 ~/.VirtualBox/VDI/$1 | grep "eb 52 90 4e 54 46 53" | cut -c 1-8) ~/.VirtualBox/VDI/$1 /mnt 2>&1`
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]
echo -e "Mount Failed!!!!\n"
OUT=`echo $MOUNT | grep "indicates unclean shutdown" 2>&1`
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]
echo "NTFS was not cleanly unmounted"
sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0
exit 0
echo "$1 - files not found"
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