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Posts: 19
in Fedora
According to the SUSE Enterprise and openSUSE Forums, shouldn't there also be a Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS forum?
Or could we miss the SLES Forums? Maybe it's getting crowded araound here, if every Distri get's its own area
If every Linux distro got their own area, there would be 616 areas, according to distrowatch. i, for one, like the idea. so stand up, all you...um, Orange Sombrero users!0
I don't know where to post this, but this topic is close enough I guess.
I feel that there should be a Gentoo/Sabayon section of the forums. If not, at least an "Other Distros" section should be available. I also feel that there should be a cafe section for general Linux discussion.0 -
Wouldn't non Fedora fall under the Redhat option?0
Yeah, I tend to agree. The enterprise community around RHEL + CentOS/Scientific/etc. (all rebuilds of Red Hat Enterprise Linux) is really one group of people. Where they have to act differently is elsewhere, when exercising their subscription from Red Hat. Which doesn't apply to Linux.com discussions.
There is a fair chance that someone using Enterprise Linux is also using CentOS, etc.. No need to segregate.0 -
Other Distributions wrote:Indeed. It does seem odd that there is not an extra forum for "Other Distributions."
Perhaps a new thread on just this topic? I would think the site managers would agree with a nice catch-all forum, but you need to get that to their attention.0 -
I use RHEL, CentOS, Scientific Linux, and Fermi Linux. The basic OS is the same code base (different logos), though Scientific and Fermi Linux have additional support for clustering, HPC applications, and better Kerberos/AFS support. For my personal workstation (8-core Intel S5000XVN mb, nVidia 8800GT video) I use CentOS. I have been running that for almost 18 months and have very few complaints about it. I support clients with RHEL, Fedora, and CentOS systems, and I do some work on the others, though my wife who works in the FermiLab computer division is much more up-to-date on the Scientific/Fermi Linux world than I am.
Anyway, I think that RHEL/CentOS should be in one forum, and Fedora in its own. As noted, the differences between RHEL and CentOS are strictly cosmetic, while Fedora really is a different beast.0 -
Thank you RedHat...thank you...I love Centos, its a great distro.0
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