Cant login to get file - assistance please
Can someone assist please?
In step 4.13 I am asked to go to Lab 4. When I click on the link I get a
PDF file entitled
Part of the way down I get a request to download a file called
When I click on the link I get prompted for a username and password.
I have tried:
1. my course log in username / password
2. The course log in and passowrd of: XXXXXXX / XXXXX
3. Different browsers
4. Resetting my computer
None of the above work. Can anyone assist me in accessing the file?
Many thanks
I have the same problem. It does not work with the credentials from 1.7.
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Please follow the instructions (link and credentials) on page 1.7 to access the course resources. The URL in Lab 4 is an error on our side, and will be removed as soon as we push a new course update. We apologize for the inconvenience.
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Many thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I have dowloaded the course materials and I can get to course files.
I am working my through Lab 4.
I can see rest-data-service.jar on my local machine now. Great. I renamed rest-data-service.jar > roster.jar and have attempted to push the roster.jar file to PCF but I get the following error:
2017-06-12T15:48:17.35+0100 [STG/0] ERR None of the buildpacks detected a compatible application
Any thoughts?
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cf push roster.jar -p c:\users\pg\cf -b java_buildpack
Updating app roster.jar in org xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...
OKUploading roster.jar...
Uploading app files from: C:\Users\PG\CF
Uploading 28.1M, 11 files
Done uploading
OKStarting app roster.jar in org xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...
Downloading java_buildpack...
Downloaded java_buildpack
Creating container
Successfully created container
Downloading app package...
Downloaded app package (128.8M)
-----> Java Buildpack Version: v3.15 (offline) |
Failed to compile droplet
Destroying container
[Buildpack] ERROR Compile failed with exception #<RuntimeError: No container can run this application. Please ensure that you’ve pushed a valid JVM artifact or artifacts using the -p command line argument or path manifest entry. Information about valid JVM artifacts can be found at >
No container can run this application. Please ensure that you’ve pushed a valid JVM artifact or artifacts using the -p command line argument or path manifest entry. Information about valid JVM artifacts can be found at
Exit status 223
Successfully destroyed containerFAILED
Error restarting application: BuildpackCompileFailed0 -
Hi Gadzooks,
The first parameter in your push command is supposed to be the app name, so "roster", not "roster.jar". In this case, you have specified the directory of the app but not the app name, so it will try and figure out what app to push based on what files are in that directory, and it may be pushing the wrong app.
Try something like "cf push roster -p c:\users\pg\cf\roster.jar".
If it finds that jar file in the specified location it should be able to figure out the buildpack automatically - I suspect its finding the wrong file in that directory somehow. As an aside, you don't need to rename the jar file next time, you can just specify the app name in the push and leave the jar file as it was initially...
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I still have the issue while downloading resource for chapter4. Is this still an issue?
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Please follow the instructions (link and credentials) on page 1.7 to access the course resources. The URL in Lab 4 is an error on our side, and will be removed as soon as we push a new course update. We apologize for the inconvenience.
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