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Missing Kernel Modules Make Lab 10.1 Impossible (with default kernel)

HansDB Posts: 2

Note: Updated below in comments.

I am running Ubuntu 14.04 in a virtual machine via VMWare Player, and the machine image is that which is supplied by Linux Foundation Training.

After struggling with Lab 10.1 for some time, failing repeatedly and doing research on line, I discovered that I needed to load the dm-crypt kernel module. Modprobe failed saying that the module was not found. Digging around in /lib I found that the module(s) needed for cryptsetup to work properly were simply not there.

I eventually restarted the system, but chose to use an earlier kernel. Normally the system boots with kernel 4.10.0, but using the grub menu I booted with 3.13.0-113-generic. Checking /lib/modules/$(uname -r), I found all the modules that were needed to complete the exercise. I successfully completed the exercise.

My question is this: how do I install the missing modules for 4.10.0? I know there is a "shallow clone" of the source repository in the supplied image and it has these modules in it, but I don't know how to install them.


  • HansDB
    HansDB Posts: 2
    edited April 2017

    After doing some research (and reading the README for the images). I determined that the later kernel (4.10 in this case) is more appropriate for "developer" coursework.

    Now using the stock kernel for 14.04 LTS, which is 3.13.0.


  • luisviveropena
    luisviveropena Posts: 1,260
    edited April 2017

    Hi HansDB,

    I'm glad that it was easy to fix. We plan to move to Ubuntu 16.04 soon, so things like this won't be a problem.



  • coop
    coop Posts: 916
    edited May 2017

    Actually the problem is that the custom kernel on the LF virtual machine doesn't have the module configured in.  If you want to do this with 4.10.0 on our VM you need to do:

    cd /usr/src/linux-stable

    sudo make menuconfig (or make xconfig or make gconfig)

    find the configuration option (you can search for things with that name, it will be under RAID/LVM) and make it a module

    exit and then

    sudo make modules

    sudo make modules_install


    It should then work without even a reboot


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