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Server Crash and Bash...I LOVE LINUX but am at a loss...

edited February 2017 in Red Hat Enterprise

Well.....that was rough.  Everything sorta went....well away.  I know CentOS is not exactly Red Hat but I didnt see them listed as their own entity.  This is NOT a public shame of CentOS.  They are a fantastic and hard working set of humans and machines.  This postis in regards to a couple items...  Ill never let that happen again, any suggestions for a sever distro?  I feel like I already know my options, I am far from new to Linux; I know my way around the terminals quite well.  They differ on some levels but the same stuff is always there.  I decided to switch from Ubuntu to CentOS about a month ago.  I miss my sweet sweet Ubuntu.  Again, this is NOT a shame of this system...I obviously was not ment to be paired with CentOS or Red Hat.  I know deep down that its my fault somehow but I really dont see how.  Lost about $8000 is stock data information, hardware ruined, core processors done for, need new mother board on my head machine.. Anyways,  to get back to the point, KEEP YOUR SERVERS TIGHT MY FREINDS!!!!  And consider not operating them on CentOS.  That is all.





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