starting the system with Linux
I have recently purchased an Acer Laptop ( intel core i5) with linux pre-installed and am using Linux for the first time. On switching on the start button, the following is displayed:
Acer linux N1(1.00.3001)
Kernel 4.2.3-300.fc23.x86-64 on an x86-64(tty1)
Admin console:
or https://t: : ffff:]:9090/
local host login:root(automatic login)
[root@local host~]#
How should I proceed from here? Is this the normal way that linux OS starts? Please help
Hey looks like it's been a couple weeks since you posted this... My interpretation of the information you posted is that you have a Acer computer with Linpus Linux installed running the 4.2.3 kernel version 300. Your distro is fedora 23 and it's setup on a 64bit system. I'm not sure, but it looks like your system is setup for websm or something on port 9090... Or rather it's not setup but it can be setup- I'm assuming you dont have internet connectivity via wifi or ethernet at the moment-- It also looks like your system is setup without a password.
If you still are looking for help and read this let me know and maybe some of us can help you move forward. The first thing you're going to want to do it set a root password and create a normal user account.
I'm assuming you have a GUI installed? According to distrowatch linpus runs cinnamon, but I also read an article about fedora 23 running gnome... Regardless try typing 'startx' if that doesn't work you can also try a few other commands: systemctl start gdm, systemctl start lightdm, telinit 5, etc...
If that doesn't work then try these at the command prompt:
1. Setup root password: passwd (you will be prompted for a password)
2. Setup a normal user account: useradd (or adduser) [input username]
3. Setup a password for your normal user account: passwd [username] (you will be prompted for a password)
4. I would then access the internet via ethernet and run an update via yum, dnf, or RPM. Preferably you would backup your system, install/setup sudo (for the normal user), run a basic firewall config with something like firewalld or iptables, and then connect to the internet.
Easier said then done right, well like I said if you're still reading this let us know and maybe we can guide you through it.
Good luck.
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It is the same problem with me too, and I've followed your instructions up until step 4 where i did an update by typing in the command prompt: dnf update
then it updated somehow but im no longer able to shut it down or anything really because an input/output error occurred during update? or something like thatI messed up and am a total newbie when it comes to linux or any os shell for that matter.
Anyway, expect a reply soon. Thank you.
Edit: I shut it down via the power button, and after turning it on again I did dnf autoremove and then he deinstalled the Fedora 23? After all that I was able to shut it down via the command prompt.
I still need assistance, however, as I'm still not able to do anything with the shell.0
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