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Hello I am form Mexico and I am taking this course

iahhel Posts: 2

Hello everybody I am Hugo and  I am from Mexico. I am very excited  to start this course, I hope to meet people from everywhere to share knowledge and skills.

Have fun!


  • saqman2060
    saqman2060 Posts: 777
    edited January 2017

    Welcome hugo. We are glad you chose the Linux Foundation to help solidify your skills in linux. Learning everything you can.

  • luisviveropena
    luisviveropena Posts: 1,249
    edited January 2017

    Hi Hugo,

    There are a couple of students from Mexico; they left a note on the forum, so you can search for them if you want :)

    También puedes escribir en español si lo deseas. ¡Saludos!


  • cvazquez8105
    cvazquez8105 Posts: 7
    edited January 2017

    Saludos desde Los Angeles! Igual apenas voy empesando el curso. 

    I am new around here too. The LFCS exam is one of my 2017 certification goals! Looking forward to spending much time on this forum!

  • grojo
    grojo Posts: 1
    edited March 2017

    Bienvenido Hugo, yo tambien soy de México y el año pasado obtuve la certificación LFCS. El curso lo recomiendo ampliamente al igual que la práctica diaria para la preparación para el examen.



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