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Lab 4.2 (service) does not work in Ubuntu 14.04

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I am running ubuntu 14.04

nwayno@bart:~$ cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS \n \l

with this kernel

Linux bart 4.2.0-42-generic #49~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jun 29 20:22:11
UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

echo is here:
nwayno@bart:~$ which echo

The service is here:
nwayno@bart:/etc/systemd/system$ cat fake2.service
ExecStart=/bin/echo I am starting the fake2 service
ExecStop=/bin/echo I am stopping the fake2 service

It's executeable:

nwayno@bart:/etc/systemd/system$ ltr fake2.service
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 196 Aug 19 18:06 fake2.service

systemctl is NOT part of Ubuntu 14.04 -- so I use the service command:

nwayno@bart:/etc/systemd/system$ sudo service fake2.service start
fake2.service: unrecognized service

It can't find it.

If I place it in /etc/init.d (different name) I get:

nwayno@bart:/etc/init.d$ sudo service fakey2.service start
/etc/init.d/fakey2.service: 1: /etc/init.d/fakey2.service: [Unit]: not
/etc/init.d/fakey2.service: 4: /etc/init.d/fakey2.service: [Service]:
not found
/etc/init.d/fakey2.service: 5: /etc/init.d/fakey2.service: I: not found
/etc/init.d/fakey2.service: 6: /etc/init.d/fakey2.service: I: not found
/etc/init.d/fakey2.service: 7: /etc/init.d/fakey2.service: [Install]:
not found

For completeness the service is:

nwayno@bart:/etc/init.d$ cat fakey2.service
ExecStart=/bin/echo I am starting the fake2 service
ExecStop=/bin/echo I am stopping the fake2 service

I can't go any furthur. This does NOT run on Ubuntu 14.04. At all.



  • luisviveropena
    luisviveropena Posts: 1,232
    edited August 2016


    Lab 4.2 is intended to work on systems that runs ststemd. So, Ubuntu 14 doesn't work with systemd and this lab won't work here. You need to get an OS running systemd, so you can work this lab. It won't work just like that on System v, because the syntax is different.



  • Wayno
    Wayno Posts: 2
    edited August 2016

    One of the requirements for the course, iirc was ubuntu 14.04 -- so that's what I installed.

    But thank you for the sanity check.




  • harrchen
    harrchen Posts: 5
    edited September 2016

    I first copied an existing file as a starting point:

    sudo cp /etc/init.d/sudo /etc/init.d/fakeservice

    then edit the file with the supplied code with one change - I changed the first line to:

    . /etc/default/fakeservice

    THen create the /etc/default/fakeservice file and add the 2 lines:



    You can add the service to the start up task by:

    sudo update0rc.d fakeservice defaults

  • Hi Wayno,

    Yes, you are right. We are considering to remove Ubuntu 14.04 from the requirements and supported OSs, as it's a kind of old now.



  • I just stared the LFs201 course with Ubuntu14.04 as option and now I read that it's not supported correctly ?  What should I do  ?  Choose another option ? Because we use Ubuntu in the company so that is the OS of my choice. Or just using a newer Distro ? 



  • coop
    coop Posts: 916

    You will be better off switching to Ubuntu 16.04, which is also LTS (Long Term Service) and is much more modern.

    For your day to day desktop you notice much difference probably but for things like this it is better because learning to use systemctl and systemd will be good for many years, while service/checkconfig and Upstart commands are fading away.


  • So if i use ubuntu 16.10 there is no problem ??

  • MikeScholz
    MikeScholz Posts: 2
    edited November 2016

    ..for your comment. I will gladly do but does that comply with the course materials ?  I thought the course is referencing 14.04..

    Thank you,


  • Hi Mike,

    The most of the material should work with 16.04. If you find anything that fails, please tell us.



  • ibedon
    ibedon Posts: 2
    edited December 2016

    I am using Ubuntu 16.04 and I folloed the instructions for non RHEL systems, however I am still getting the following error:

    isabel@isabel-OptiPlex-745:/$ sudo service fake_service

    Usage: fake_service {start | stop}

    isabel@isabel-OptiPlex-745:/$ sudo service fake_service start

    Failed to start fake_service.service: Unit fake_service.service not found.

    Can someone please help me?


  • coop
    coop Posts: 916
    edited December 2016

    The service command is probably broken on Ubuntu 16.04; they don't care about it because it is for a compatibility layer with sysvinit that Ubuntu doesn't care about.  You should only do the systemd lab on this (the fake2 one).


    You can see from your error message they are passing the service command to systemctl and something is failing.

  • Thanks


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