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Re: Node stuck in NotReady state
Hi @VinayakPandey, I'm glad you were able to solve the issue! Many things gets fixed when updating the versions. A similar issue is described here: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster…1 -
Re: Mistake in "Hard and Soft Links"?
Hi @danielvarsas, Yep, it was discussed few days ago :) Regards, Luis.1 -
Re: Question in Lab 23.3. Configure and Test NBD
Hi @danielvarsas and @uthelion, Many thanks for bringing the attention to this. We are checking on this now. Regards, Luis.1 -
Re: Clarification regarding lab 6.3 (stuck on step 4)
Hi all, I made a test case on Ubuntu 18 LTS and 20 LTS, and I can confirm that the issue is regarding what @anewberry mentioned about the permissions on /tmp. So I made a test case on /mnt, with a di…1 -
Hi @paccha5065, I'm glad that you were able to solve it! Yep, if you are using a code that requires plugings and they have not been installed yet, it's going to fail. Many regards, Luis.1
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