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  • Re: Why kernel.pid_max = 4194304 on my system?

    Because you are on a 64 bit system :) and using a more recent kernel. The sentence could use more elatboration. r9:/home/coop>ps PID TTY TIME CMD 54249 pts/2 00:00:00 bash 80648 pts/2 00:00:00 psr…
  • Re: About /bin and /sbin

    When you have the symbolic links, you can no longer have them in separate partitions. It is partly because people recognized no one was using separate partitions anymore that the links were establish…
  • Re: About /bin and /sbin

    interesting point. I don't know what they do if you do such a scheme (/usr on a separate partition than /bin and /etc etc.) :)
  • Re: Lab 3.4 typo

    Thank for pointing out the "their->there" typo. As far as the English goes, the word since is perfectly correct as it is not making a general statement but is speaking about this particu…
  • Re: Chapter 9. APT - clarify apt dist-upgrade

    After you run "apt update" (which updates all repo information) "apt dist-upgrade" or "or apt upgrade" does the actual packaging updates. There are differences between t…

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