Command malfunction In slackware ?
Am using Slackware/Fedora. And in office am using SUSE. In fedora,SUSE, if I give "shutdown -P now" [as root] means the machines are doing shutdown from Xserver as well as from Multi user mode[CLI].
But in Slackware, if I give the same command from Multi user or from Xserver mode, it is giving me the log in prompt, not doing shutdown.
I dont think so, the commands functionality will differ with distros.
And in Slackware , if I press the power button from Xserver, its shutting down, but from Multi user mode, its not sensing the button press.
So, I am switching to Xserver to do proper shutdown.[Since the command, "shutdown -P now" is not working]
So, how can I do proper shutdown from Slackware Multi user mode.
Halt or poweroff
Anyway... you can be in "multi-user" mode and be in X at the same time. That's not related in any way.
Regards0 -
marc wrote:Halt or poweroff
thank you marc :-)Anyway... you can be in "multi-user" mode and be in X at the same time. That's not related in any way.
Regards0 -
well actually I expected more answers...can any one tell the reason for the command behavior ?0
"shutdown -P halt" in both runlevels 3 and 4 is just pushing me to init 1 (single user mode).
After reviewing the source for the shutdown program I found that it is written to change the system to runlevel1 and not halt the system. If you wish to actually shutdown the system you can use "shutdown -h now" or poweroff.0 -
mfillpot wrote:"shutdown -P halt" in both runlevels 3 and 4 is just pushing me to init 1 (single user mode).
After reviewing the source for the shutdown program I found that it is written to change the system to runlevel1 and not halt the system. If you wish to actually shutdown the system you can use "shutdown -h now" or poweroff.
but matt, why they changed the command's way of working too?. It is supposed to be common with all distro, right ?0 -
linustorvalds wrote:mfillpot wrote:
but matt, why they changed the command's way of working too?. It is supposed to be common with all distro, right ?
In one plain word: no
That's the beauty of opensource: you can change as many things as you like the way you like
You've hit one of the things that make Slackware a different distro, that's all
Regards0 -
linustorvalds wrote:mfillpot wrote:
but matt, why they changed the command's way of working too?. It is supposed to be common with all distro, right ?
The code for sysvinit and shutdown are quite simple you can always modify the code yourself to make it behave as you want and build a custom package.0 -
mfillpot wrote:linustorvalds wrote: Actually they did not change the command, the source I reviewed is the official source of sysvinit. It may be that the other distros changed It themselves to fix the command.
The code for sysvinit and shutdown are quite simple you can always modify the code yourself to make it behave as you want and build a custom package.
ok. thankyou matt0 -
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