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use meego
Posts: 28
When meego can be used default in mobile phones?
Meego is already being used in the Nokia N900 phone. In the USA it is only available through T-Mobile, which doesn't have the coverage I need. In the EU, where there are much better networks, It's a very popular phone.0
Do you mean that it is being shipped on new phones or are you referring to the fact that there is a beta image for the N900 phones?0
Oops, I think I confused Maemo for Meego. This is what happens when you scan IRC logs and don't read closely. I have an acquaintance from Holland who has a N900. I always thought he was talking about Meego. Derp.0
The current meego images and installation instructions are available at http://meego.com/downloads0
@Goineasy9: Don't confuse people, currently all N900 uses Maemo.
@mfillpot: yes, you can download and install MeeGo on N900, but it still has different problems and is not very usable, it is more dedicated to early testers and developers.
@hoseini: It's not clear when it will be used by default in mobile phones, because currently there is no phone that is dedicated for that OS, only N900 which has no official support from Nokia. You can check what are MeeGo 1.2 release plans here http://wiki.meego.com/Release_Engineering/Plans/1.2
Looks like that first phone with MeeGo OS will be released only next year (probably in the beginning of summer).0 -
edmondas wrote:@Goineasy9: Don't confuse people, currently all N900 uses Maemo.
@mfillpot: yes, you can download and install MeeGo on N900, but it still has different problems and is not very usable, it is more dedicated to early testers and developers.
@hoseini: It's not clear when it will be used by default in mobile phones, because currently there is no phone that is dedicated for that OS, only N900 which has no official support from Nokia. You can check what are MeeGo 1.2 release plans here http://wiki.meego.com/Release_Engineering/Plans/1.2
Looks like that first phone with MeeGo OS will be released only next year (probably in the beginning of summer).
Thank you for the update.
Are there any specific devices that the developers have been able to get meego to run stable on at this time?0 -
mfillpot wrote:Thank you for the update.
Are there any specific devices that the developers have been able to get meego to run stable on at this time?
Probably MeeGo 1.2 release will include updated SGX driver which will improve performance of N900:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWtMLs3j09U
Most of us are waiting for the new Nokia phone, which will (?) be designed for MeeGo operating system.0 -
What about the netbooks that they handed out at the meego conference a couple months ago, were those stable or just handed out as an alpha testing platform?0
mfillpot wrote:What about the netbooks that they handed out at the meego conference a couple months ago, were those stable or just handed out as an alpha testing platform?0
Bumps this thread!
I'm looking forward to the Nokia N9 mobile phone which will be running MeeGo. Also the Asus Eee PC X101 will run MeeGo by default. I really hope that MeeGo will take off now! Looks great!0 -
Thanks for reminding me. One of the reasons I bought my Asus EEE was because of the ARM processor, so it could run Meego.0
What is it thread about?
0 -
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