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Removable drives will not mount
Posts: 777
in Slackware
I recently installed slackware 13.1 32bit version and having problems mounting removable drives. I pluged in my usb drive and did not noticed a flash drive icon appear on the desktop. The system did not say it mounted the drive. I checked the drive in "my computer" , and saw the flash icon in the window browser had a slash going through it. I double ckicked it and nothing happend.
The same thing happens with my dvd drive. A movie dvd was inserted and again no mount notification. I ran serveral media software and none could open it. The dvd-rw icon, again, had a slash going through it. What is causing the removable drive mount failures?B)
saqman2060 wrote:What is causing the removable drive mount failures?B)
You're using Slackware:P0 -
Is that supposed to be helpful?0
You are really getting into the screws. By what I have been getting on my laptop running slackware64-current I have been also having some problems mounting external devices lately, but that may be very temporary. The first thing we need to review are the groups that your user have access to the removable media, is your user in the plugdev group?
If the user is in the group have you checked the output of dmesg or /var/log/syslog after a failed mount to see what information has been given about the failure?0 -
I believe I am part of the plugdev group, although I can't remember. I'll check again.
I looked into the device policies and did not find anything that would resolve the problem. I will go over it again as well as looking into the syslogs.
Can you set group policies using the shell? I would rather do that than using the GUI.0 -
saqman2060 wrote:Is that supposed to be helpful?
Of course not, I was just messing around. Forums become boring if it's all Q+A with no actual conversation or banter.0 -
Why do think slackware would make mounting hard drives so complicated? I would like to tinker all sorts of unix/linux distros.If something does not work, I would like to know why and find ways around it.
I'm going to tell Patrick Volkerding what you said....lol0 -
Slackware is notorious for being difficult. I would prefer to use Gentoo than Slackware any day. Check this thread out: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/problem-mounting-external-harddrive-in-slackware-751181/0
saqman2060 wrote:Why do think slackware would make mounting hard drives so complicated? I would like to tinker all sorts of unix/linux distros.If something does not work, I would like to know why and find ways around it.
I'm going to tell Patrick Volkerding what you said....lol
Mounting of hard drives in slackware can be very simple by using the good old mount and umount commands, once hal and the udev functions began being installed in base distros it became needlessly complicated, which is why you are having this issue.
To the best of my recollection you are using slackware-current 32-bit, but to be able to test for similar issues and seek a resolution I need a confirmation of what version of slackware you are using and what architecture it is for.0
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