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LFS258 Exercise 9.2: Configure a NodePort


When I do  kubectl -n accounting expose deployment nginx-one --type=NodePort --name=service-lab

The NodePort Service is exposed using

admin_isergei_altostrat_com@cp:~$ kubectl get service -n accounting
service-lab  NodePort      80:31154/TCP  23h

Where does this is coming from and how do I expose the service using the Public IP address of the node? Because in the lab description it is mentioned that I should be able to access the nginx using the public IP of the node.

From the lab:
"Using the browser on your local system, use the public IP address you use to SSH into your node and the port. You should still see the nginx default page."


  • seignatev
    seignatev Posts: 3

    Ah. Nevermind. I figured it.

    I should have used : in the browser to make it work.

    And the command to modify the spec in case I need to change the port number would be:
    "kubectl edit service -n accounting service-lab"


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