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unable to complete LFCS exam due to terminal having issues

I was taking the LFCS exam. and the terminal having issues. It is lagging when i type. so the support is checking on it. they tried to troubleshoot but it is still having errors with the terminal. i cant type in the terminal. it took me 1min or more to be able to type the next letter. my support ticket is 3785700 during the PSI exam troubleshoot.

But my mouse cursor is working all time, it is only problems with typing inside the terminal.

The support instruct me too exit the PSI browser and not to click ‘end exam’. after that he tells me to contact support for rescheduling.

This is my support Ticket TCCS-68149

I hope somebody could assist me for the exam retake


  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,251

    Hi @yattjo

    Once they start working on your ticket, The Linux Foundation Customer Support team will assist you. Response time can take several business days (no weekends or holidays).



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