When will the course be upgraded to version 2.2
The Hyperledger Fabric Certification is currently unavailable because it's being upgraded to version 2.2.
When will this course (LFD272) be upgraded?
Best regards,
Hi, we are working on this and we will keep you posted.
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Thank you.
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I have scheduled my certification exam on October-17-2020. When you say it is currently unavailable, what does it mean?
Question: Can I take the exam on October 17th or not? Please clarifyAs I understand, I have one year before which I have 2 attempts to take the exam. If the certification is "not currently available" and my one year time period expires before the certification is made available, how can I take the exam then? How would that work?
Sowmya0 -
@fcioanca is there more news, I really need to get up to speed and couldn't know that the certification would suddenly jump to version 2.2
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Hi @shanedeconinck We expect the CHFD exam to be live again and updated to Fabric 2.2 in early January. We estimate that LFD272 will be updated to Fabric 2.2 late January or February.
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The exam updates this month or in Feb - correct? Good to know. We are in the end of Jan. So, I hope to hear the news anytime now.
Would the course material + labs also be updated with it?
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Hello @fcioanca ,
If we take Certification Exam (for example during April or May), can we choose Fabric version (1.4.x or 2.x)?
Thanks0 -
@christophe.charles I believe that is not possible. However, for a definitive answer, please direct any certification-related questions to our Customer Support Team: trainingsupport.linuxfoundation.org.
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Is the course upgraded to version 2.2? I have been waiting for this since January.
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Hi @GirijaShankarMishra ,
The course has not yet been updated to 2.2. They are work in progress, as they are more significant; there have been some changes in the exam as well, so we need to align the course with the exam. We will post in the forum when they will be live.
Thank you for your patience,
The Linux Foundation Training Team
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Is the course getting upgraded to 2.2 by the end of this month (as stated a couple of months ago) ?0 -
I purchased the course relying on the information that an update to Fabric 2.2 would be made available within the following weeks, but now realise that the information provided during the purchase and the one available here in the forum differ considerably.
I understand there are probably internal limitations that prevented the update from happening so far, but given that I don't want to go through a course with outdated material and my access to course material is limited to 12 months (from my purchase in March), independent of when the material actually gets updated, you can imagine my concern.
How is the Linux Foundation planning on resolving this? Will we receive an extension of the time we have to complete the course material from the time the update is available, given that the information provided at the time of sale wasn't realistic?
I'd really appreciate a clearer and more straightforward position from the foundation on this.
Thanks and best regards,
Alex1 -
We apologize for any inconvenience this delay is causing. The course is available currently on v1.4, with an update work in progress. For any administrative questions, such as extensions, please reach out to our Customer Support Team at trainingsupport.linuxfoundation.org, as we cannot assist in that regard.
Thank you for your patience,
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Is the course upgraded to version 2.2? I have been waiting for this since January. Any update
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Hi @GirijaShankarMishra
We apologize for any inconvenience this delay is causing. The course is available currently on v1.4, with an update work in progress.
The Linux Foundation Training Team0 -
I have to wait the upgrading for continue the course? I'm installing with the script "curl -sSL http://bit.ly/2ysbOFE | bash -s -- 1.4.7 1.4.7 0.4.20" but it give me an error of permission sudo or non sudo. If there is a change in the near future, is preferable to wait for go ahead in the course? Beacuse it can change most things of the course, I think... Thanks0 -
@fernet the only response I had so far from anyone in the Linux Foundation was that I had 3 options:
- to finish the course as is, i.e. with old material, which doesn’t reflect the current state of the platform
- get a one time extension of 3 months in the 12 month period that is usually available to complete and hope that the update comes in the next weeks, which essentially still gives me less time to complete something I paid for and potentially no time at all if there’s no update available in the next year
- to request a refund and wait for it with the money I paid in my pocket, which is what I did and recommend everyone having the same issue to do.
In my response email I made clear that I understand the issue has nothing to do with the people providing us support, such as @fcioanca and @mstepien , since they are only the messenger and have no control of the update timelines. At the same time, that an organisation of the size of the Linux Foundation provides a course certification which has become something close to a scam, since the advertising says we’d have access to the update in time for completing the course, is, in my opinion a disservice to it’s credibility and one of the reasons why Open Source keeps getting a bad rep when it comes to training and certification.
I hope this changes fast because the whole learning ecosystem surrounding Hyperledger, from videos in their YT channel to certification to overall availability, feels really abandoned at the moment. A shame.
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have the course been upgraded to v2.2? I bought it and thought it would be going to be the last version...
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Hi @linuxjavier,
The updated version should be live by the end of this week. We will post in the forum when that happens.
Best regards,
The Linux Foundation Training Team1 -
@mstepien said:
Hi @linuxjavier,The updated version should be live by the end of this week. We will post in the forum when that happens.
Best regards,
The Linux Foundation Training Teamthank you for information
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Any update on Fabric 2.2? Another week passed.
Sumit0 -
The course was updated to Fabric 2.2 last week, June 3rd. We posted in the forum about the update.
The Linux Foundation Training Team
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@fcioanca Sorry, i missed the announcement. Thank you for the updates.
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