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Environment used for LABS and exam



I just started reading up for the CKA exam. I am reading the LFS258 course, and i have reached chapter 3, and has to do some LABs.
Earlier in this chapter, I installed the minikube software, and it seems to be working just fine. But I am very much in doubt, if using the minicube for the LAB's is sufficient for all the training, and will it prepare me correctly for the exam? The LAB exercise 3.1 is about installing a kubernetes cluster, and its telling me to disable SWAP on all nodes if running in my own equipment (I'm running the minikube in virtualbox, as described earlier in this chapter), should i disable SWAP on the minikube?
Or should i install a fresh Ubuntu, disable SWAP, install docker, kubernetes, kubelet, kubectl and kubeadm manually?
I dont have access to AWS, Azure, Google cloud or any other cloud provider.

In all other course I have taken, the course vendor provides the LAB environment, LF don't?

BR Kasper


  • chrispokorni

    Hi BR / @Nordal,

    The LFS258 course focuses on a multi-node cluster, and the lab setup instructions reflect the requirements of a multi-node cloud Kubernetes installation. If access to cloud resources is not available, the multi-node cluster can be installed locally instead. You may use the hypervisor of your choice such as Virtual Box or VMware.

    For specific topics covered in LFS258, the Minikube Kubernetes cluster may not offer all the necessary resources to support the execution of some of the required steps in the lab exercises. While the environment of a single-node Minikube Kubernetes cluster allows you to explore basic Kubernetes concepts, it does have its limitations.



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