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Installing from desktop on Red Hat Linux

Hello there guys. This rookie seems to be getting the hang of Linux. Now, just one more help from the last one. I have some applications(SugarCE-5.2.0f.zip, jbpm-4.0.CR1.zip, bugzilla-3.2.3.tar.gz) on my desktop, just to name a few...I know how to install but have not installed applications that are already on my desktop before.

Anyone wana give me a dummy assistance with this one.

Thank you in advance and for the assistance before this one.


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  • Posts: 216
    For Sugar, see this howto. It is Ubuntu-oriented, but here is the meat of it, tailored to RH. Do this in a terminal:
    1. su -
    2. mkdir /var/www/html/sugarcrm
    3. cd /tmp
    4. wget http://www.sugarforge.org/frs/download.php/5597/SugarCE-5.2.0f.zip
    5. unzip SugarCE-5.2.0f.zip
    6. cd SugarCE-Full-5.2.0f/
    7. mv * /var/www/html/sugarcrm/
    8. chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/sugarcrm
    9. service httpd restart
    If there is a line break inserted in the URL in the wget line above, here's the link: link
    After you've done those steps, open a web browser, and go to http:// localhost/sugarcrm

    To access files on your desktop, from a terminal, look for them in $HOME/Desktop.

    1. [joeblow@mybox ~]$ cd $HOME
    2. [joeblow@mybox ~]$ pwd
    3. /home/joeblow
    4. [joeblow@mybox ~]$ cd Desktop
    5. [joeblow@mybox ~/Desktop]$ pwd
    6. /home/joeblow/Desktop
    7. [joeblow@mybox ~/Desktop]$ ls
    8. bugzilla-1.2.3.tar.gz someapp.tar.gz
  • Posts: 1
    I like the lay out of thes web sight and as a ref to this topic the format of this web page could become a standard for information management from event oganizing to company personel administration (get the word out) It could be used to organize classes and a course schedule for school and assignments . . its summer though so I'm just setting up my tee.
  • Thank you very much for your help..I have downloaded the zip file, but I can not seem to be able to unzip it. It says it can not find the file.

    Resolving www.sugarforge.org...
    Connecting to www.sugarforge.org||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
    Location: http://dl.sugarforge.org/sugarcrm/Latest-SugarCE5.2/SugarCE5.2.0/SugarCE-5.2.0f.zip [following]
    --11:55:04-- http://dl.sugarforge.org/sugarcrm/Latest-SugarCE5.2/SugarCE5.2.0/SugarCE-5.2.0f.zip
    => `SugarCE-5.2.0f.zip'
    Resolving dl.sugarforge.org...
    Reusing existing connection to www.sugarforge.org:80.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 14,544,718 (14M) [application/zip]

    100%[====================================>] 14,544,718 22.07K/s ETA 00:00

    12:00:32 (43.69 KB/s) - `SugarCE-5.2.0f.zip' saved [14544718/14544718]

    [root@REMSSVR tmp]# unzip SugarCE-5.2.Of.zip
    unzip: cannot find or open SugarCE-5.2.Of.zip, SugarCE-5.2.Of.zip.zip or SugarCE-5.2.Of.zip.ZIP.
    [root@REMSSVR tmp]# unzip SugarCE-5.2.Of.zip cd SugarCE-Full-5.2.Of/
    unzip: cannot find or open SugarCE-5.2.Of.zip, SugarCE-5.2.Of.zip.zip or SugarCE-5.2.Of.zip.ZIP.
    [root@REMSSVR tmp]# unzip SugarCE-5.2.Of.zip
    unzip: cannot find or open SugarCE-5.2.Of.zip, SugarCE-5.2.Of.zip.zip or SugarCE-5.2.Of.zip.ZIP.
    [root@REMSSVR tmp]#
  • Is there a simpler way to do this..I mean, installing straight from desktop.....Now I know how to install going through a website, but what if I already have this software on my desktop already and want to install it from there......

    That would be simple enough.

    Thank you guys
  • Posts: 216
    ImmortalMatrixology wrote:
    I believe you a not using the right file name when running the unzip command. See the last part of the wget command here:
    12:00:32 (43.69 KB/s) - `SugarCE-5.2.0f.zip' saved [14544718/14544718]

    Now see your unzip command here:
    [root@REMSSVR tmp]# unzip SugarCE-5.2.Of.zip
    unzip: cannot find or open SugarCE-5.2.Of.zip, SugarCE-5.2.Of.zip.zip or SugarCE-5.2.Of.zip.ZIP.
    It appears that you are using a capital O (O), intead of a zero (0) in the filename.

    To remove doubt, copy and paste the filename right from the wget comand that you ran. Or copy and paste this command and see if it works:
    1. unzip SugarCE-5.2.0f.zip
    Or, just type "unzip S" in your teminal, then hit the tab key and the full name (SugarCE-5.2.0f.zip) should "autocomplete" for you.
  • Posts: 216
    ImmortalMatrixology wrote:
    Is there a simpler way to do this..I mean, installing straight from desktop.....Now I know how to install going through a website, but what if I already have this software on my desktop already and want to install it from there......

    That would be simple enough.

    Thank you guys
    If you're talking about point-and-click InstallShield type of thing, well that depends on how the vendor decides to package their software. Some Linux applications do come like that, but that is typically rare. If you are dealing with a binary software package in RPM / DEB format on a Fedora / Ubuntu box, or some similar tandem, then there is usually a desktop GUI tool that will assist you with installing software that exists in a repository for that distribution. But if you're dealing with software that you have to compile from source, or that does not have an install GUI built for it, then you must get your feet wet in the terminal.

    As far as software you already have on your desktop, the only new step I added was the wget command. And I only added that to remove any doubt about the file you were downloading. You could just as easily have done:
    1. unzip /home/USERNAME/Desktop/SugarCE-5.2.0f.zip
    or similar.
  • You are theeee man...Its working.
    Now I am here...
    [root@REMSSVR tmp]# cd SugarCE-Full-5.2.0f/
    [root@REMSSVR SugarCE-Full-5.2.0f]# mv * /var/www/html/sugarcrm
    [root@REMSSVR SugarCE-Full-5.2.0f]# chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/sugarcrm
    [root@REMSSVR SugarCE-Full-5.2.0f]# service httpd restart
    Stopping httpd: [FAILED]
    Starting httpd: [ OK ]
    [root@REMSSVR SugarCE-Full-5.2.0f]#

    Its unzupped and now I am not sure if the installation is complete....
    Anything else that I need to do to be able to access the application SugarCRM??

    You guys are being very helpful thank you a million times more
  • Replying to this......


    su - 
    mkdir /var/www/html/sugarcrm 
    cd /tmp 
    wget http://www.sugarforge.org/frs/download.php/5597/SugarCE-5.2.0f.zip 
    unzip SugarCE-5.2.0f.zip 
    cd SugarCE-Full-5.2.0f/ 
    mv * /var/www/html/sugarcrm/ 
    chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/sugarcrm 
    service httpd restart 

    After you've done those steps, open a web browser, and go to http:// localhost/sugarcrm

    To access files on your desktop, from a terminal, look for them in $HOME/Desktop.

    When I run the http://localhost/sugarcrm....It says, page can not be found...What did I do wrong??


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