Will LFS201 materials be updated to match the new LFCS Domains and Competencies V2.16 (Feb 2, 2016)
Will LFS201 materials be updated to match the new LFCS Domains and Competencies V2.16?
Upcoming Program Changes for the LFCS Certification Exam
The change appears quite significant. Especially Service Configuration section. I've just finished all the labs and reviewing the class materials/slides. I could study the labs a few more times and take before Feb 2nd. I'm not really looking for an easier way to pass the exam. I'm genuinely interested in learning and enhancing my skills and thus my career. If the class materials will be updated, maybe I'll stick around and study the new materials and test after Feb 2nd.
I'd be curious to hear why they changed the Domains and Competencies so significantly. Do they feel the current Domains and Competencies aren't complete enough? Will a current LFCS holder be as respected as one tested on the new V2.16?
Any input or advice related to these upcoming LFCS exam changes?
The content of LFS201 was updated several weeks ago (I think) or so, to reflect the new information; all users should have received a notice to that effect; it also included the fact that improvements were made in the differing presentation appearance on desktop, phone and tablet.
There was some additional content added to LFS201 (also commented upon in that email) and smaller nits fixed. The changes in the Domains and Competencies actually had much more to do with the LFCE exam and the content we have in our instructor led system administration classes that prepare for that, such as LFS230. For example, sections on virtualization were added.
The training dept does not work on the exams, but to the best of my understanding it was not that the previous list was not enough, they just made things quite a bit more detailed, which you can see if you compare the lists.0 -
Thanks for the reply however, I'm still confused.
According to this url:
Upcoming Program Changes for the LFCS Certification Exam
Here a some new Competencies. I don't see any sections of LFS201 that cover these areas. These are just a handful I copy/pasted. These look more like the areas covered in the LFCE cert.- Configure a client to use LDAP for user and group information
- Configure an FTP server
- Maintain a DNS zone
- Configure SSL with HTTP server
- Configure direct-attach and network printers
- Configure a system to authenticate using Kerberos
- Deploy a basic web application
- Configure a PXE Boot server
0 -
I agree with @ultraninja. There's a tonne of new areas which are not covered on the Training. For example configuration of HTTP, FTP & DNS services and Virtualization. The Domains are doubled.0
vitotol wrote:I agree with @ultraninja. There's a tonne of new areas which are not covered on the Training. For example configuration of HTTP, FTP & DNS services and Virtualization. The Domains are doubled.
Jerry replied to this earlier, mentioning that all that content are for other classes like LFS230
HOWEVER, whether the exam includes it or not is not up to the training team but the exam department.0 -
Thanks for giving the reference, let me just amplify a bit and encourage people to follow the link he/she gave (repeated below).
This question has come up before; unfortunately the forum format does not make searching previous threads easy, and we are going to have an upgrade in the near future to make this more productive.
In the thread:
this came up and we explained that the exam staff did a less than ideal step of making the areas covered by LFCS and LFCE very similar but altering the *weights* assigned. This is confusing and makes it more difficult to sanely prepare than it should be. however, using some common sense about what is reasonable to expect on an LFCS exam can help a lot (it is performance based, no multiple choice and things have to be doable in a short period of time.) Furthermore, it is not a trivia test. Finally you can do a retake for free, so you can try and limit your anxiety on the first go around until you see what it is really liike.0 -
Can anyone tell me if the content will be updated??
I have taken the last version exam, failed, now have to take the new version, confused.
What do i have to do to access the new content??
An email never arrived for me informing me that the new content is available.
I also submitted an email through the system regarding this and received no reply.
Any help much appreciated.
So confusing (:0 -
I will be taking mine tomorrow, come whatever comes.
I will keep everyone update if something bogus comes up like virtualization, configuring apache or setup ldap :P0 -
Ok, so there were indeed a few things that wasn't on the course.
There was a lot of text manipulation and other configs that were out of the scope.
Feel free to PM me
Very minimal but due to the complexity of the questions it makes or breaks the exam.
I will probably be retaking it.0 -
Thank you for your post,
Since I have already taken the old version exam and failed, I also remember there was a lot of stupid text manipulation that was briefly covered in the material (by no means in any great detail or emphasis) and on the exam I was stumped with cutting bloody columns of text and putting into other file. I also thought there were a few things not on the course. That's just not right!
I hope you did well in your exam and I also hope the auditor's of this forum take note of the confusion going on. How much does a third retake cost me again??? $$$$$
By the way, I'm in training, that's my job. I teach technical training, Routers and Cisco stuff mainly, and I am responsible to assess my students on content they have learned.
Thanks again for posting
0 -
I just want to remind people that this class (LFS201) was never claimed to have *everything* you need. In particular you should have taken LFS101 (for free at edx) or equivalent which is where editors, text manipulation, getting help and many other topics are covered as is explained in the beginning of this course and in the certification prep guides. If advanced topics are not covered that is a different question.0
coop wrote:I just want to remind people that this class (LFS201) was never claimed to have *everything* you need. In particular you should have taken LFS101 (for free at edx) or equivalent which is where editors, text manipulation, getting help and many other topics are covered as is explained in the beginning of this course and in the certification prep guides. If advanced topics are not covered that is a different question.
Guys - course not having advanced topics was the main question. Is it not common sense to revamp study material first and then publish revised scope of exam? It is simple, really.0 -
Actually the person complained about things like cutting and pasting text, which is not considered advanced material and is definitely not in the course. Nothing about advanced material has every been specifically mentioned as being on the test, only people are worried about it being on the test. And we keep reminding people they get a free retake so they can get a pretty good look at type of material.
As to " Is it not common sense to revamp study material first and then publish revised scope of exam? It is simple, really." ....
The answer is no, this is not the way things can work. The group making exams is independent of the group designing training materials. It is as if they were two separate organizations. As a result, the training people (who are the people on this forum such as myself) have to react to *published* lists of coverage areas. In principle you can take training from any vendor who wants to provide it, just as you can for redhat certification etc. competition is allowed.
Unfortunately, the revised list of domains is too repetitious between LFCE and LFCS as has been commented on in this and other threads multiple times, and you have to rely on the published weights between the exams. I wish it were otherwise and I have complained about it, but until they come out with another revision nothing will change0
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