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Invalid module format

I have googled this and found a thousand answers, but none of them seem to answer my problem.

I have been using the distro kernels (Mandriva), but needed to install a current kernel directly from kernel.org.

When doing a modprobe on some modules I get this error.

This error usually means that one thing is using a different version, but I can't find where that is happening.

I have a lot of kernels installed, but while the distro kernels don't give me that error, any kernel I install from source from Kernel.org, I get the error on a few modules.

Wayne Sallee



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  • Posts: 1,114
    You probably neglected to build and install the kernel modules from the previous kernel. That's why you should use the previous kernels config file when building the new kernel. Then if you follow the steps correctly, the modules in the old kernel are also updated for the new kernel.
    I'm a kernel noob, so, what I'm telling you is just an assumption of what you did wrong. Maybe check out the steps you took to build the kernel, and see if you left something out.
  • Goineasy9 wrote:
    You probably neglected to build and install the kernel modules from the previous kernel. That's why you should use the previous kernels config file when building the new kernel. Then if you follow the steps correctly, the modules in the old kernel are also updated for the new kernel.
    I'm a kernel noob, so, what I'm telling you is just an assumption of what you did wrong. Maybe check out the steps you took to build the kernel, and see if you left something out.

    It makes no differeence whether I use the old config, or a fresh config.

    The problem is that when an attempt to install the module is made, that I get the error.

    Wayne Sallee
  • I'm still having trouble with this. Is there anyone here that is knowledgeable on this issue that can help me with this?

    Wayne Sallee
  • Posts: 2,177
    As far as I know the Mandriva team customize their kernels with patches that are not in the vanilla kernels, so if that is the case then a vanilla install may cause issues.

    now to give you what you need, to get the modules used in the stock mandriva kernel installed in a new vanilla kernel you can do the following:

    #Boot into a stock kernel

    # copy the running kernel config into the new kernel directory
    zcat /proc/config.gz>/usr/src/linux-??????/

    cd /usr/src/linux-??????

    # Run the configure command to customize the kernel
    # Run the make and install commands to build the kernel and output the necessary files
  • Posts: 20
    edited May 2012
    That does not fix the problem.

    Wayne Sallee
  • Posts: 2,177
    The steps I gave instructed you on the steps to load the working configuration for a new kernel, that at least added the existing modules. With each step that is attempted can you please tell us why it did not work or give the error messages so we can attempt to correct your problem?

    Now for the step I gave you, they came from a guide that I have used many times to build a stock kernel in slackware, I hope that they can help you. http://alien.slackbook.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=linux:kernelbuilding

    And here are two guide to build a kernel on Mandriva.
  • I've come to the conclusion that "Invalid module format" means absolutely nothing, accept that it could not do what it was asked to do. It's just another useless error that has no specific meaning or cause. So "invalid module format" should be ignored and translated as "I could not do it". There are many posts on the internet that say that it means this, or it means that, but the truth is that it means nothing other than the fact that it failed to do what you asked it to do.

    Wayne Sallee
  • you solve the problem or note i can help you if you still have rhe problem
  • abdallah2 wrote:
    you solve the problem or note i can help you if you still have rhe problem

    It's almost 2 years later, and I still have the same issues. I've started reading http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Module-HOWTO/index.html . I have not gotten very far yet.

    Wayne Sallee
  • um almost 3 years. :-) It ain't 2014 anymore. :-)

    My mind is on too many things these days.

    Wayne Sallee


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