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Slackware documentation project

Y.P.Y Posts: 1
edited August 2012 in Slackware

Slackware documentation project:



  • vtel57
    vtel57 Posts: 164
    You beat me to it. I was just stopping by to post this: http://linux.slashdot.org/story/12/08/22/1355228/slackware-documentation-project-begins-in-earnest

    Come join us!

  • mfillpot
    mfillpot Posts: 2,177
    Thanks for the info guys, I read about it on AlienBob's blog and was planning to stop by there this weekend to check the content and see what I can add. The idea shows a lot of potential as long as we all add our tricks.
  • vtel57
    vtel57 Posts: 164
    The Slackware Documentation Project

    Greetings fellow Slackware Linux users!

    A week ago on Jeremy's LinuxQuestions.org, Nicolas Kovaks (kikinovak) made a post suggesting the need for a centrally located compendium of Slackware Linux documentation that could be compiled, maintained, and archived for use by all. This posting mobilized the hardcore Slackware user community at LQ.org to post suggestions and criticisms regarding this topic. Thanks to Mr. Eric Hameleers (Alien Bob), a Slackware Linux Core Team member and Mr. Nicolas Kovacs, an IT professional and creator of MicroLinux, the dream of many a Slacker for the past 19 years has become a reality.

    The Slackware Linux Documentation Project is born! The project has the blessing of Slackware's BDFM, Patrick Volkerding. It is currently being designed and staffed and will go live very soon. It is using the DocuWiki wiki software. This is a worldwide, multi-language (English as primary) community project. Your help is needed. Please come join us in creating what we hope will be the largest single source of Slackware Linux knowledge on the Net.

    The wiki is in the process of being created and staffed at this time. You can still register and begin contributing. Also, your thoughts and input are welcome on the mailing list and the project's IRC channel. Let's work together to make this happen!


    -- the original thread at LinuxQuestions.org
    -- the Alien Pastures (Alien Bob's blog) article
    -- the Slackware Documentation Project wiki
    -- the SlackDocs mailing list
    -- IRC Channel = #slackdocs on freenode.net

    ~V. T. Eric Layton, Slackware Linux Documentation Project - Staff Editor

    We could use your help, Matthew! :)
  • mfillpot
    mfillpot Posts: 2,177
    I have signed into the site and am reading all documents to see what can/should be added. It will be fun to build a good comprehensive info site for slackware.
  • chekkizhar
    chekkizhar Posts: 182
    Great News. Joining now....


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