Welcome to the Linux Foundation Forum!
Welcome to Slackware
No. I'm not the Slackware sub-forum moderator or even its resident guru. However, I was surfing by and noticed how lonely this area looked. It needed a "first posting", so here it is.
A hearty welcome to all my slacker mates wherever you may be. I'm looking forward to interesting interaction here at the Linux.com forums, specifically in this area of the forum.
I'm not guru by any stretch of the imagination. I can hold my own, though. And whatever I don't know, is easily found in the large and (usually) very helpful Linux community.
Step right up. Don't be shy. Tell us all about your Slackware experiences. I'm looking forward to reading about them.
Ahh, my first Distro, the memories! Still a rock solid solution!0
Hiya Rick!
Yeah, as you can see from my sig, I prefer stable platforms. :woohoo:0 -
Eric i will start my study regarding Backtrack to pursue my Hacking Knowledge, i am quite interested hacking for testing purposes not for bad plans. i hope this forum will answer my queries regarding my new prefered OS Backtrack 3.
any suggestions i search the web and it says that best hacking OS is backtrack ? agree?0 -
I don't really know much about that OS, Arben. Sorry. Maybe others at Linux.com would know something about it, though.
I do know a couple things... It was originally based on WHAX (White Hat/SLAX), but v.4 went to Debian as a basis for the OS. If you're planning on using v.4 of BackTrack, that's actually Debian under the hood, my friend.
Read some more about it --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BackTrack
~Eric0 -
A ok i will gonna use the beta version 4 if it is under debian i will easily adapt to its environment because my Primary OS is VISTA "Joke hehehe" is Ubuntu which is under the debian Family.
tnx eric.0 -
Vista?! ARRRRRGH!0
Ok you dont want Vista, I didnt meant it iam actually using the new powerful Windwos 7 nyahahahaha bwarrsskskskks..
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :blink: :blink:0 -
abrenar wrote:OS Backtrack 3.
any suggestions i search the web and it says that best hacking OS is backtrack ? agree?
From public and not self-made distribution kits, backtrack best of those with which I worked
Normal set as utilities, so professional products for the analysis IT security
Excuse for my bad English
[/offtop]0 -
a ok DMTR, tnx for help i will gonna use the beta version of backtrack 4. is that a good OS of backtrack did you already try it? it is under the debian group.0
I joined the forum about 4 days ago, then left on a camping trip. I will be lurking about for awhile to get the lay of the land.0
Hiya Michael!
I know you!0 -
Well, it's been a while...
I thought I'd pop in here and bump the very first thread ever posted in this area of the forum; appropriate that it be about the oldest living distribution of GNU/Linux.
Slackware STILL ROCKS!0
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