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Just tried to install Ubuntu and now I'm livid.
Posts: 3
Went through the entire process for setting it up to run along side Windows and when it came to selecting the city I live in...it didn't recognize it. I live in Montreal and the option to continue was greyed out every single time I tried to select my city. Move it to another city...not greyed out. Back to Montreal...greyed out.
Perhaps the city Montreal is part of a time zone region. You may have to select the region to get the correct time.
What region are you in?
Example of Time Zone Regions:1) Newfoundland Time, including SE Labrador 2) Atlantic Time - Nova Scotia (most places), PEI 3) Atlantic Time - Nova Scotia - places that did not observe DST 1966-1971 4) Atlantic Time - New Brunswick 5) Atlantic Time - Labrador - most locations 6) Atlantic Standard Time - Quebec - Lower North Shore 7) Eastern Time - Ontario & Quebec - most locations 8) Eastern Time - Ontario & Quebec - places that did not observe DST 1967-1973 9) Eastern Time - Thunder Bay, Ontario 10) Eastern Time - east Nunavut - most locations 11) Eastern Time - Pangnirtung, Nunavut 12) Central Time - Resolute, Nunavut 13) Eastern Standard Time - Atikokan, Ontario and Southampton I, Nunavut 14) Central Time - central Nunavut 15) Central Time - Manitoba & west Ontario 16) Central Time - Rainy River & Fort Frances, Ontario 17) Central Standard Time - Saskatchewan - most locations 18) Central Standard Time - Saskatchewan - midwest 19) Mountain Time - Alberta, east British Columbia & west Saskatchewan 20) Mountain Time - west Nunavut 21) Mountain Time - central Northwest Territories 22) Mountain Time - west Northwest Territories 23) Mountain Standard Time - Creston, British Columbia 24) Mountain Standard Time - Dawson Creek & Fort Saint John, British Columbia 25) Pacific Time - west British Columbia 26) Pacific Time - south Yukon 27) Pacific Time - north Yukon
Ubuntu supports hundreds of languages which would mean it supports the majority of time zones if not all. Discover the time zones ubuntu supports or supported time Zone regions. Then determine that time zone region Montreal is located in.
Selecting Time Zones in Ubuntu
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7) Eastern Time - Ontario & Quebec - most locations
I don't see why it shouldn't allow it. I clicked on other areas in that time zone and the continue button was active half the time. That could be a bug in the installer.0 -
It appears when installing Ubuntu offline, your system will only use included packages on the installer media. A file called zone.tap is used to configure time zones in Ubuntu.
Zone.tab, before 2013, included time zones for both Montreal:America/Montreal, and Toronto:America/Toronto and these zones could be accessed during offline installation.
During the 2013 release of the tzdata package, both these time zones have been merged into one time zone region that covers Ontario and Quebec locations. You will have to pick "Eastern Time - Ontario & Quebec - most locations" to get the time zone for Montreal.
Ubuntu 14.04 bug report for the Montreal time zone
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Ah...but I wasn't offline. I had an Internet connection and tested it with Firefox. I was able to go to different sites.0
The file zone.tab was designed for offline installations.
However, whatever changes were made to that file are now permanent. Even if you install ubuntu using internet services, the only option for Montreal time zone is "Eastern Time - Ontario & Quebec - most locations
If you specifically need Montreal time zone, you will have to contact the maintainer of the tzdata package and create a new argument.
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